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 How to describe India

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PostSubject: How to describe India   How to describe India Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2009 5:51 am

The Indians know no way of life except endless dissatisfaction and interminable strife. They are always killing each other; it is their custom. Our Mughal brothers conqured them and tried to teach them civilized ways, but of course they failed. Indian blood is too deeply barbaric. The Bharti delight in destruction, death and torture. Not content to fight among themselves on their wretched hot southern plains, they bring their armies here, to this peaceful and prosperous valley, and wreak havoc on the simple Kashmiri people.
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PostSubject: @Gamukh   How to describe India Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2009 9:37 pm

Razz Razz LOL, Nice Joke!It is funny to see you advising India about these qualities!Which world do you live?? Civilized, Tolerate and Peace. These words can never be associated with Islam or the so-called followeres of this religion.

Wherever you guys are, you create havoc. From India, Afghanistan, US, Russia, China, Africa, everywhere! It clearly shows that the problem is there in you guys, not the rest of us!

When you are minority, you ask for secularism and when you are majority, you want an Islamic state. You cannot live with any other religion and even if you are the only religion, you keep fighting among yourselves! Strange people!

The whole world is losing patience of Muslim Fanaticism each day. The way they are behaving, its going to an Open war between you guys and the Rest of the World soon!
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How to describe India Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to describe India   How to describe India Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2009 9:54 pm


Quote :
The way they are behaving, its going to an Open war between you guys and the Rest of the World soon

Dont hold your breath on that. The way the world has lost patience with Israel, soon it will be India's turn next! You Indians know very well this is true. Count your days till the world explicitly asks for a plebiscite in Kashmir.

Your barbaric practices are well known now to the world: caste system, dowry, honour killings, bandits, criminality, forced labour, slavery, occupation of Kashmir, rapes, murders, torture...must I go on? These hideous customs are as Indian as dal-roti.

The writer above has accurately portrayed you people, and the world is waking up to the fact that Kashmir needs to be freed from you barbarians.
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PostSubject: @Mir   How to describe India Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2009 10:09 pm

"Dont hold your breath on that. The way the world has lost patience with Israel, soon it will be India's turn next! You Indians know very well this is true. Count your days till the world explicitly asks for a plebiscite in Kashmir"

Do you what is the condition for plebiscite? And secondly, as far as India is concerned, yes, Kashmir is a Disputed region, but only the POK which we want it back. If not for Pakistan, we Indians wouldnt have entered 'your' soil. So, go blame them for your anguish and turmoil! And you want Plebiscite, right? Ask your paksitani friends to clear their citizens from POK n we will bring back our Kashmiri Pandits. So, cry yourself hoarse to them and not to us!

"Your barbaric practices are well known now to the world: caste system, dowry, honour killings, bandits, criminality, forced labour, slavery, occupation of Kashmir, rapes, murders, torture...must I go on? These hideous customs are as Indian as dal-roti."

Barbaric? I never knew that Kashmiris were above sin! Correct me if I am wrong, who was responsible in Shopian rape n murder? Kashmiri policemen. Who killed Asrar? His Kashmiri friend. Who is responsible for the rape in Kupwara? Her Kashmiri Cousin. Sex Scandal in Kashmir - Do you know you had a Full-fledged brothel frequented by Kashmiris in 'your' so-called sacred soil?? So, get off your self-proclaimed pedestal..you are one of the worst!

Barbaric, Tortures, Criminals -- The World knows that this world is a copyright for Islamic fanatics, who stone people, who burn women schools, who cut people's heads,who whip women..the list is neverending!

Honour killings -- One woman gets raped but she is punished. why? because she went out with a 'trustworthy' friend? Shias and Sunnis killing each other!

Slavery - Do your homework before sharing ur views. Slavery was prevalent in US and Arab countries. And you Mughals also had these Harems,right? So ,much for caring about women!

I agree that Caste system and dowry(which exists in your customs) are evils in India and we are and have adopted corrective measures to correct them, but the difference is while we are ashamed of it, you guys PROUDLY advertize your barbarism as an act of the Almighty!

And btw, Terrorists is a truly Islamic world!
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PostSubject: What else can we expect when the culprit becomes the judge   How to describe India Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 2:19 am

Crying or Very sad
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PostSubject: Shame on you Bharat Mata   How to describe India Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 2:43 am

What follows is excerpts from one of my postings on my Omar Abdullahs blog, I used to pen as Robert Thorp then,

Kindly do go through the whole passage if you have the balls to see the truth:

Quote :
Please go through all these LINKS…. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chattisinghpora,_Pathribal,_and_Barakpora_massacres http://chattisinghpora.blogspot.com/2006/12/chittisinghpora-pathribal-massacre-we.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/1001479.stm http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/ASA20/042/2000/en/dom-ASA200422000en.html http://www.amnesty.org/en/appeals-for-action/thousands-lost-kashmir-mass-graves http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/expert/infopress_page/015-33879-189-07-28-902-20080709IPR33878-07-07-2008-2008-false/default_en.htm http://readerlist.freeflux.net/blog/archive/2008/01/26/reader-list-wandhama-massacre-case-closed.html
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PostSubject: Shame on you Bharat Maata   How to describe India Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 2:45 am

Quote :
Let us analyze the situation now: Civilian killings in firings The insurgency that began in 1989 in the Valley involved hundreds of thousands of Kashmiris marching on the streets of Srinagar between January and May 1990. Under Jagmohan's regime, India's response to the protests was brutal with indiscriminate firings at unarmed protesters; The atrocities committed by Indian forces has been acknowledged by senior Indian officials including the Prime Ministers Rajiv Gandhi, Chandrashekhar and P.V. Narasimha Rao during their tenure and the State Governor Girish Saxena. Balraj Puri, Kashmir: Towards Insurgency, New Delhi 1993, pp.72-3. • ���On 20 January 1990, an estimated 100 people were killed when a large group of unarmed protesters were fired upon by the Indian troops at the Gawakadal bridge. • ���On March 1 1990, an estimated one million took to the streets and more than forty people were killed in police firing. • ���In May 1990, an estimated 200,000 Kashmiris took to the streets in a funeral procession of the martyred leader Mirwaiz Maulvi Farooq; over 100 were killed in police firing. • ���In January 1993, 40 people were killed in Sopore by security forces who burnt down a section of the town after two of their men were killed. • ���In March 2000, nine civilians were killed in police firing in a large demonstration at Brakpora protesting killing of civilians at Panchalthan. • ���In August 2000, 35 civilians were killed including 23 Amarnath pilgrims in Pahalgam; it has come to light that most of the people were killed in fact by the panic-stricken CRPF jawans who continued firing for another 20 minutes after the two suspected militants were killed; a commission under Lt.Gen. Mukherjee found 17 police officers responsible. o ���Kamal Mitra Chenoy, Report On human rights violations in Kashmir. • ���Indian forces also have severely beaten 17 journalists in May 2001. o ���Human Rights Watch, India/Pakistan Summit: Call to Address Human Rights in Kashmir , 2001. • ���In January 2002, Indian troops killed a civilian and wounded another in a firing at a demonstration at Sodal, protesting civilian beatings in search operations. • ���As you have rightly put (I am excusing your racist undertones here), Afridis are waiting across the border and will change our looks….For your kind information, we Kashmiris look a lot like the Afridis than all those Bihari/UP/Dravidian Indian Military Men who have over the past 20 years plundered our women, raped, pillaged and killed countless innocents. The links above will give you a few reality checks. Do go through Amnesty International, Check the European Parliament website, Check any one of the International Human rights watches, check the different sets of judicial cases against the many Indian army officials pending before the State Human Rights Commission of J&K (WHICH IS NOTHING BUT A LAME DUCK) ………….but then you will say the Indian forces have raped, pillaged, killed because it was an action against Pakistan sponsored terrorism and therefore Pakistan is the culprit. • ���What about the thousands of graves discovered recently in Kashmir……..surely with your IQ you would say it is people killed by Pakistanis and then buried in mass graves. • ���You are definitely not related to people at either Chattisinghpora or Wandhama �because if you really were related to them…….you would not utter baseless derogatory statements. I agree with you Raina, Sikhs slaughtered at Chattisinghpora by the militants who were Killed at Pathribal (check the websites above and wake up) were trained in Pakistan and of course Pakistan is responsible for that. • ���Why was an enquiry into the Wandhama massacre refused by the Indian Government even when international organizations like Amnesty International were pressing for it? Surely the Indian Government must have come under pressure from the Pakistan Government as the enquiry would have exposed the hand of Pakistanis at Wandhama. • ���In October 1996, a Union Home Ministry report for 1995-96 stated that 272 J&K security personnel including 153 BSF, 80 CRPF, and 39 army personnel, had been "sacked, jailed or disciplined" for abuses committed in the past five years; a number hardly proportional to the number of violators, by most accounts. Torture and Custodial Killings Civilians suspected of having information about militants, many of them innocent, are routinely detained, tortured and killed in custody, besides militants. Methods of torture include severe beatings, electric shock, crushing the leg muscles with a wooden roller, and burning with heated objects. In 1995, Amnesty International documented 706 cases of custodial killings in the period 1990-1994, nearly all after gruesome torture; In its response to Amnesty, the Government of India (GOI) responded to 519 out of 706 cases in an evasive manner, dismissing half of them as "encounter killings" without supporting evidence despite eye-witness reports to the contrary; The government indicated that there was prima facie evidence of human rights violations in 85 other cases which were said to be under investigation, however no one has been brought to justice till date.
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PostSubject: Shame on you bharat Maata   How to describe India Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 2:46 am

Quote :
Amnesty International, Torture and Deaths in Custody in Jammu and Kashmir, 1995. • ���Amnesty International, Analysis of the Government of India's response to Amnesty International's report on torture and deaths in custody in Jammu and Kashmir , 1995. On 26 April 1993, The Kashmir Times run by Ved Bhasin carried a report of police records listing 132 persons to have been killed in custody in the preceding 33 days alone. The Kashmir Monitor, a human rights group, has reported around 220 custodial deaths for the period June'94-April'95 which represent the bare minimum. Estimate of the number of custodial killings since 1990 by human rights organizations runs in several thousands, many of them are civilians. • ���Pankaj Mishra, Death in Kashmir • ���Human Rights Watch,India's Secret Army In Kashmir "Disappearances" In August 2000, Amnesty International reported that the fates of up to 1,000 persons reported missing in Jammu and Kashmir since 1990 remain unexplained by authorities. Few of the hundreds of habeas corpus petitions filed by families of the "disappeared" before the judiciary in Jammu and Kashmir have been brought to a resolution. The Kashmir Monitor has also documented around 300 cases of disappearance during 1989-95. • ���Amnesty International, India (Jammu and Kashmir): Day of the "Disappeared", 2000. Rapes Hundreds of women have been raped with impunity and most of them go unreported given the social stigma and fear of retribution by the State; The GOI has been quick to deny and cover-up most of those cases which do get reported; The reported gang-rape of nine women at Shopian in October 1992 by an army unit was dismissed off-handedly after investigation by army and police, the very units charged with the crime, despite solid medical evidence to the contrary; no independent investigation by an impartial agency was carried out. The reported mass rape of over 20 women at Konan Poshpura in February 1991 was also handled in a similar evasive manner; the complaint was not investigated in a timely manner by an impartial agency and the medical evidence was dismissed without good cause; one of the victims who was nine months pregnant during the incident delivered a baby with a fractured left arm; Governor Girish Saxena who denied the incident admitted to mass rapes in the past by the Indian forces however. Rapes continue to be reported, an example from this year being the April 17 gang-rape of a 17-year old girl in Pahalgam. • ���Amnesty International, Torture and Deaths in Custody in Jammu and Kashmir, 1995. • ���Asia Watch and Physicians for Human Rights, The Human Rights Crisis in Kashmir: A Pattern of Impunity, 1993, pp.98-107. • ���Tavleen Singh, Kashmir: A Tragedy of Errors, New Delhi 1995, p.177 • ���BBC News, Kashmir troops held after rape, april 19, 2002. Pro-India Renegade Militants The phenomenon of renegade militants has been extensively documented by Human Rights Watch. Renegades are former militants who have surrendered and changed sides to the Indian forces. Since the 1989 insurgency in Kashmir, renegades have been used for extrajudicial executions of militants (besides human right activists, journalists and other civilians) and later conveniently dismissed as "intergroup rivalries". Many of these groups have been responsible for grave human rights abuses, including summary executions, torture, and illegal detention as well as election-related intimidation of voters. They are never arrested or prosecuted and go scot-free. • ���Human Rights Watch,India's Secret Army In Kashmir In 1997, the Director General of Police Gurbachan Jagat acknowledged that the continued services of the renegades had become counter-productive in view of their excesses; an estimated 5000 renegades were reportedly 'rehabilitated' as Special Police Officers (SPO) in the State police and many others were absorbed in the security forces. The present number of renegade militants continues to be significant and the estimates vary; In 1999, Gurbachan Jagat acknowledged that there were 1,200 renegades in the payroll of New Delhi; According to a renegade representative Javed Shah, the number of renegades exceeded 2,000; Renegades remain a dreaded group. • ���Amnesty International, Disappearances in Jammu and Kashmir, 1999. • ���Indian Express, J&K's friendly ultras say pay more, or else...,4 May, 1999. The Chattisinghpora cover-up In March 2000, around the time of US President Clinton's visit to India, unidentified gunmen gunned down 35 Sikhs at Chittisinghpora; India blamed foreign militants; Kashmiris blamed renegade militants employed by Indian security forces; A few days after the massacre, security forces killed five persons in an "encounter" at Panchalthan village and claimed they are "foreign militants" responsible for the Sikh massacre. Later, in July 2002, DNA testing of the corpses proved that the five persons killed were civilians. The relatives of the five murdered villagers held a series of demonstrations for public exhuming of the bodies; A crowd of five thousand unarmed civilians at Brakpora was fired upon by the police; Nine more men died; When the bodies were finally exhumed, they were discovered to have been burnt and defaced, but curiously dressed in brand new army fatigues. They were identified by the relatives as the local villagers who went missing. Initial attempts in DNA testing of the exhumed bodies were compromised by fudging of the DNA samples in a cover-up attempt by the authorities; Later results indicated that the five persons killed by the Indian forces were indeed civilians and that Indian forces engaged in a deliberate subterfuge to portray them as "foreign" militants responsible for the Sikh massacre.
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PostSubject: Shame on you Bharat maata   How to describe India Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 2:48 am

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The Pandian Commission investigated the firing at Brakpora and pronounced that three police officers be tried for murder, however no action has been taken against them till date; No judicial inquiry into the Sikh massacre itself has been conducted till date despite repeated announcements. While some argue that the Chattisinghpora massacre may very well have been engineered by the Indian forces for political gains during Clinton's visit, the least that can be said is that confirmed, unpunished atrocities of the security forces most certainly do not inspire confidence in the people, and fuel resentment instead. The army-renegade nexus • �Jalil Andrabi, the human right activist was abducted by the paramilitary and renegades in March 1996 in the presence of eye-witnesses and tortured to death in custody. Despite the GOI's initial denials of the army's involvement, the Special Investigation Team identified an army Major in April 1997 as the person responsible for the death; however the accused major was released with no punishment. • �H.N. Wanchoo, the noted human rights activist had documented and filed writ petitions for hundreds of custodial deaths in 1992; Being a Pandit, his petitions were an embarrassment to the Central and State governments. He was assassinated by unidentified gunmen in December 1992; Although the government claimed that the persons responsible belonged to the militant outfit Jamiat-ul Mujahidin, human rights activists who investigated the case have alleged that the militants of that group were released from jail on condition that they kill Wanchoo. Following his death, none of the custodial death cases were heard in the court and lawyers attempting to get the cases listed have reportedly found that many of the files of these cases were now missing from the High Court premises. • �Dr. Farooq Ahmad Ashai, chief of orthopaedics and a human rights activist who had spoken against the GOI was killed by gunshots from a CRPF bunker while travelling in a car clearly marked with a red cross. The government stated that he had been killed in 'crossfire', despite evidence to the contrary. Dr. Abdul Ahad Guru, a surgeon who had treated torture victims was killed by unidentified gunmen. A government source alleged to Human Rights Watch that Zulkar Nan, a militant, had been released specifically to carry out the murder. Shortly afterwards, Indian security forces shot and killed Zulkar Nan. [14] • �Mirwaiz Maulvi Farooq and Abdul Ghani Lone, two Kashmiri activists were killed by unidentified gunmen on 21 May 1990 and 2002 respectively. In both cases, the governments blamed militants while some Kashmiris blamed Indian sponsored renegades. • ���Human Rights Watch, Behind the Kashmir Conflict, 1999. • ���Human Rights Watch, Violations By Indian Government Forces: State-sponsored "renegade" Militias, 1996. Accountability The National Human Rights Commission's (NHRC) presence has not been effective in improving the human rights record; For instance, the NHRC lacks the jurisdiction to investigate complaints of violations by the army and paramilitary forces. New Delhi continues to deny permission for various human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch, UN Special Rapporteur of Torture and others, to visit Jammu and Kashmir and investigate the violations. Chief Secretary Ashok Jaitley acknowledged that while disciplinary action was taken against security personnel involved in large massacres in the mid-1990s, no prosecutions take place as no witness will dare step forward. What action is taken is not made public. In the past, the GOI has made public a number of prosecutions of members of security forces for rape. However, even these amount to no more than a handful; many other incidents of rape have never been prosecuted. In its 1999 report, Human Rights Watch stated that was not aware of a single prosecution in a case of the torture or summary execution of a detainee in the ten years since the conflict began. The fact that the officer indicted in the 1996 murder of a human rights lawyer Jalil Andrabi, has not yet been arrested, contrasts sharply with the GOI's claim that it has ensured greater accountability from its forces in Kashmir. • ���Human Rights Watch, The Ongoing Problem of Impunity , 1999. • ���Amnesty International, Torture and Deaths in Custody in Jammu and Kashmir, 1995. • ���Amnesty International, Impunity must end in Jammu and Kashmir, 2001. Full force of the law The Armed Forces Special Powers Act of 1958 and the Disturbed Areas Act of 1976 give police extraordinary powers of search and arrest without warrants and detention. The Special Powers Act provides that unless approval is obtained from the Central Government, no "prosecution, suit, or other legal proceeding shall be instituted...against any person in respect of anything done or purported to be done in exercise of the powers of the act." To human rights groups, it is such provisions that allow security forces to operate with virtual impunity. According to one NGO, there were 1,300 writs of habeas corpus pending in the Jammu and Kashmir High Court in 1999 in such detention cases. The government is also known to abuse such powers, an example being the case of Yasin Malik, chairman of the JKLF, a separatist group. He was arrested under POTA on 23 March on charges of accepting illegal money, a charge which he refuted as a frame-up. Intriguingly the prosecution failed to present the mandatory challan within ninety days of his detention under POTA despite repeated directions by the court and the judge ordered his release on bail; subsequently he was rearrested under the Public Safety Act(PSA). The events clearly show that the POTA case was indeed a frame-up. A charge which the GOI did not deny in a response to Amnesty was that it had issued secret orders to the Police to disregard complaints of human rights violations against the security forces in FIRs. This leads to the conclusion that the number of registered complaints are probably fewer than the number of excesses actually committed. • ���Amnesty International, Analysis of the Government of India's response to Amnesty International's report on torture and deaths in custody in Jammu and Kashmir , 1995. In October 1996, a Union Home Ministry report for 1995-96 stated that 272 J&K security personnel including 153 BSF, 80 CRPF, and 39 army personnel, had been "sacked, jailed or disciplined" for abuses committed in the past five years; a number hardly proportional to the number of violators, by most accounts. If I could open up my heart and show you the love I have for you as a Kashmiri I would not flinch a second, my brother your future is with us and not with India…..you may be settled in US/Europe/India but your roots are with us and sooner or later those societies will imbibe you into their midst but in Kashmir and amongst us……irrespective of your religion, you will always be a proud Kashmiri. IF ALL OF THE ABOVE STILL DOES NOT OPEN YOUR EYES………NOTHING ELSE ON THIS MOTHER EARTH EVER WILL. YES, the whole world considers us Kashmiris as nothing but a laughing stock.....and thanks(I am really sorry for you when I say this) to ignorant people like you. Regards Robert Thorp
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PostSubject: Shame on you bharat maata   How to describe India Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 2:59 am

We do not deny that we have animals living amongst us who under the patronage of their Indian masters rape,plunder and loot us....its much like how many of your ancestors under the patronage of the British used to plunder,rape and loot their fellow countrymen....you are just employing tactics that you learnt from the British plus the age old custom of debauchery/thuggery and tyranny that runs deep in your veins......ONE DAY WE KASHMIRIS WILL TAKE YOU TO THE HAGUE TRIBUNAL AND YOU WILL HAVE TO ANSWER FOR ALL THE CRIMES THAT YOU HAVE COMMITTED AGAINST US KASHMIRIS AND HUMANITY, Bharat-I consider your nonsense as nothing but dumbwitted utterances.....enlighten yourself if you can, I consider your case closed
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PostSubject: @Chinaar   How to describe India Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 10:46 am

@ Chinaar,

Oh My..well, I dont even want to go through your long Selective copy-paste crap from some website you must have churned out. I can post a thousand links showing the true face of the dispute. But I will let you do your research. You guys who support and sympathize terrorists cannot be the flagbearers of Justice or Humanrights! And killing terrorists is not a crime in any world, but your Islamic world!

I expected that as always you will clearly overlook anything and everything you Kashmiris do. You are all "saints", right??? Razz Razz They under Indian fold you say, How Very clever! Gullible they are not, and neither are we to believe your nonsense!

Your 'India-sponsoring terror' crap has no takers in a sane world. I can guarantee that you guys have infiltrated our security forces with the sole intention to casue disgrace to it by your own activities. What the world sees, is Kashmiris doing crimes and Kashmiris protesting the same crimes! You are ALL part of the same vicious circle. There can be no other explanation, that despite 6 lacs troops, why every second 'crime' involves a Kashmiri! The only two explanations are: Either they are Traitors or are highly characterless persons!

Remove all these Kashmiris and Muslims, and I can guarantee you that none of the so-called crimes would take place. There is a reason why Travelers with Muslim-sounding names are frisked more than the others! And I guess the Army is doing a rather commendable job up there, I see so many wannabe-terrorists frustrated by their presence..ha!

By typing in Bold and underlining, you are only showing that I just helped you show your true face in the mirror and you are unable to stand the truth. Yes, Truth hurts!

For all the self-righteous and 'victim' hypocrisy you may project, let me tell you one thing, For how much ever you may cry hoarse and fool yourselves against it, you know that out of the three choices:

Independent Kashmir - This is nothing but a fool's paradise, with three nuclear neighbors - Impossible to sustain in the long run,
Pakistan Kashmir - Not much of a future out there, unless and ofcourse you want Talibanization and want to becomer a minority in ur own soil
and India -- It is lesser of the two devils - Kashmiris know it, but will never admit it!They do business with us, they need our tourists, they want us to keep them alive from their homegrown terrorists but they hate us. Because, the cunning Kashmiris know that the more they cry, the more our voters'friendly nation would feed them. Bcoz they know that out of the three countries occupying 'their' soil, Only India can tolerate and give a voice to Anti-nationals like you.

And this is not restricted to Kashmir, this is the TYPICAL muslim trait to create havoc to seek priviledges every soil they live.

We have divided our soil enough to please you guys, Nothing more needs to be done. If you can live - Live, else keep crying and ruin another generation of yours!If you think it is a freedom struggle, then so be it. For billions of Indians, it is a freedom struggle as well, freedom to free our country from traitors like you and we are also not ready to compromise on that! Not now, and Never ever!

I need to ask, what has been Your contribution to Kashmir? Other than to destabilize it. You quit supporting terror and our forces will move out. Peace comes and you prosper. But, you dont want Kashmir to prosper. Thats what you and Pakis want. As long as it is not developed, the people will remain frustrated. And frustrated minds can be agitated easliy. And then, blame it on India for your incompetance!That is whole Gameplan, right? When earthquake comes, you want the Army, when somebody kidnaps ur kin, you want the police, but when militants kill troopers, you rejoice -- you guys are the most selfish and hypocrital clan ever!

As far as the heat of the sourthern plains comment is concerned, you should be thankful that it is this heat that brings tourists to your mountains, and filling your pockets. Yes, it is hot down here but these are Fertile plains, my friends..what grows up there in the valley, other than Terrorism??

Those Pakistanis whose very identity is based on their Hatred of India, worked their ass off to destabilize India, but they have dug out their own pits in the process and what we now see is a Failed, Terrorist country! They wanted to destabilize both their neighbors in the East and the West borders, and ended up destabilizing themselves! Fools!

I for once, would be glad if the valley is disintegrated from India. A few muslims less is always better for any nation!

Quote :
Our Mughal brothers conqured them and tried to teach them civilized ways, but of course they failed.

Gamukh, I understand your inner Muslim frustrations. That out of all the lands you guys invaded, Only India survived your barbarism. It pains you that despite exploiting India for hundreds of years, despite destroying temples and raping women, looting villagesm, forced conversions -- We still remain a Non-Islamic country. It is a Big blow to Islamic fanatism and can be seen by your post! Razz
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PostSubject: Shame on you Bharat Maata to justify such heinous acts   How to describe India Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 9:32 pm

Quote :
Independent Kashmir - This is nothing but a fool's paradise, with three nuclear neighbors - Impossible to sustain in the long run

DO YOU REMEMBER THE SOVIET UNION, it was a super power and yet it collapsed into so many countries......I think you are a cocaine addict who will never understand logic and reason. Stay high buddy and mix some heroine with the cocaine you take.......and of course like you said "We TERRORISTS will supply you with whatever drugs you need".

Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamare dil mein hai dekhna hai zor kitna bazuen qatil mein hai

Jis Khaak ke Zameer mein ho Aatish-e-Chinar, mumkin nahin ke sard ho woh Khaak-e-arjumand Smile
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PostSubject: Ask you self, Bharat   How to describe India Icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 12:41 pm


Tell me one thing, If you don`t associate the words like Tolerant, Peaceful, Patient with Islam and Muslims, with whom do you associate them... with Shiv Sainiks? Perhaps you associate them with the Naxalites, or maybe ULFA. Even LTTE may be a good choice.

You idiot, how can you conclude that Islam is not a peaceful religion just because you have heard (not even witnessed or seen) a bunch of people, calling themselves Muslims, doing the opposite.

Ask yourself, if Verrapan, who happened to be a Hindu, was a criminal, does it make Hinduism the religion spreading crime!
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PostSubject: @Unheard   How to describe India Icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 2:01 pm

Quote :

Tell me one thing, If you don`t associate the words like Tolerant, Peaceful, Patient with Islam and Muslims, with whom do you associate them... with Shiv Sainiks? Perhaps you associate them with the Naxalites, or maybe ULFA. Even LTTE may be a good choice.

You idiot, how can you conclude that Islam is not a peaceful religion just because you have heard (not even witnessed or seen) a bunch of people, calling themselves Muslims, doing the opposite.

Ask yourself, if Verrapan, who happened to be a Hindu, was a criminal, does it make Hinduism the religion spreading crime!

You dazed fool, Refer my previous posts for the answer to your queries. Regarding Islam being a peaceful, touch your heart and ask do you REALLY think it is. If yes, Which alien world do you live in that you cannot see the atrocities and terror caused by your fellow Islamic(Jihadists) groups in every continent. And yes, I have only "heard" that Islam is a peaceful religion, but have not witnessed in the actions of its followers.

As far as Shivsena is concerned, it is not a terrorist group killing innocents. It is a fact that they are also a bunch of fools who think they can mislead Indians. But, let me tell you, if the majority of Hindus in our country believed in their outdated ideaolgy, do you think today Congress would have won the elections and that too by a Landslide? The youth of India is positive and we want a stable nation focussed on addressing the development at the grass-root levels and their verdict has shown just that.

And I wouldnot rate you alongside Veerappan who was petty nothing but a scared petty smuggler. Nor would we rate you alongside LTTE,ULFA or others - they never use religion for their political gains. You are much vast and much worst in your thinking and doing. You justify your activities under a gard of religion and have made life hell in almost all the places, whether you are a minority or whether you are a majority. And dont make me even start on the number of Islamic groups operating across the globe.If you think you are going to kill a 100 innocent people and would be going to heaven, you must be insane. The crulest corners of Hell awaits you.

The problem with Islam is that 99% of you who are disloyal, jihadists and sympathise with the terrorists give the rest 1% a bad name. And what makes the situation worse is that, this 1% is scared of raising its voice against the others fearing that some local madrassa would issue a fatwa against them.

Hence, however politically correct people may speak, the world always looks at any muslim suspiciously. And for this only you guys yourselves are responsible. You guys donot know the abc of Tolerance and Peace and are advising others about it!

If you still are not ready to accept reality, i suggest you go on any international airline and see the treatment meted to you in the security checks is the same as others. Wake up and meet reality!
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PostSubject: Re: How to describe India   How to describe India Icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 9:41 pm

@bharat mata

The world is waking up to fanatics like yourself. No one is going to argue with you about Islam here because my post was about politics and the culture of your pathetic country, and not about religion. But the fact that must be eating you up from inside is that the world realizes now that Islam is not a problem but that they were misled by crazed fanatics within their own religion.

In my original post above, I never mentioned anything about the religion of Bhartis or hinted at Hinduism, yet you started to go ballistic about Islam--just goes to show how ingrained intolerance is in your Hindustani minds.

The problem does lie with the Bharti culture though. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. There is nothing any Hindustani can do about it because this has been a custom for thousands of years. And what is sickening is that you people are so remorseless about it. When your sister or daughter marries outside your caste, then you may reply here that you are trying to fix that--that is if you havent already indulged in honour killing first.

If honour killing were not enough, then the obsession with having a male child instead of females is simply a prime example of barbarism.

There cannot be any justification for killing female newborns, and this a practice that is impossible to root out because it is your culture.

--Link 1
--Link 2

After you have gone through the above links, then you may agree that the label of "barbarians" is most appropriate for you people.

You may side step the issue and again go on a tangent and take pleasure in muslims being profiled at airports around the world--even though it is just a figment of your imagination--but the fact remains that we are talking about independence for Kashmir from you barbarians, and not our religion. Not much longer you can fool the world that Kashmir's freedom struggle is based on religion.
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PostSubject: @Gamukh   How to describe India Icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 10:24 pm

Quote :
You may side step the issue and again go on a tangent and take pleasure in muslims being profiled at airports around the world, even though it is just a figment of your imagination, but the fact remains that we are talking about independence for Kashmir from you barbarians. And not our religion. Not much longer you can fool the world that Kashmir's freedom struggle is based on religion..

Quote :
Our Mughal brothers conqured them and tried to teach them civilized ways, but of course they failed. Indian blood is too deeply barbaric.

LOL. You were the person who brought Religion into the discussion with your very first post with your filthy Mughal reference and are now contradicting yourself. Eating your words, are u?

If you were serious about the Kashmir issue as you are saying now,you wouldnt have titled the topic "How to describe India".So, you must be one really stupid person, who is confused between what he thinks, says and does.

As far as your links of femle infanticide is concerned, we accept and admit that evils like female infanticide, dowry are there in our society, but positive steps have been taken to overcome it. As far as Intercaste marriage comment is concerned, caste system is more or less non-existent in cities, where inter-caste marriages are ruling the roost. Like you said, every member of the younger generation of my family has married out of caste. It is prevalent also because of the corrective measures we have adopted to bring about a more Inclusive Education system where in every school and college, the seats are reserved for the communities.

But thats the difference like I said, we are working towards to remove these evils unlike you guys who give a blind eye to every evil in your community and proudly propagate it as the 'words of Almighty'.

You guys are the last person on earth to advice anybody about women rights or rather human rights. This forum is not enough to fill the links of the evils against women of your community.The latest being women being whipped for wearing trousers. The whole world is moving forward, while you guys are bringing back stoning,whiping, beheadings in this world.Non-Barbaric, right?

Despite going thru the other posts, if you still have that silly "holier than thou" attitude with which you wrote your first post -- something is drastically wrong with you.

[/quote]But the fact that must be eating you up from inside is that the world realizes now that Islam is not a problem but that they were misled by the crazed fanatics within their own religion...

....and again go on a tangent and take pleasure in muslims being profiled at airports around the world, even though it is just a figment of your imagination

I just showed you the world as it is. If you are under the impression that it is otherwise, God Bless you from your thoughts!
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PostSubject: Re: How to describe India   How to describe India Icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 10:46 pm

@Bharat mata

Just goes to prove my point that your thinking is such that fanaticism clouds everything a Bharti sees or hears. I made reference to how the Mughals tried to tame you barbarians but made no reference to their religion. It is your ingrained intolerance to change that made you perceive my post refer to Islam.

You may side step the issue yet again and bring about some case of a woman wearing trousers in Somalia, but that only shows your own fanatic thinking. Us Kashmiris want independence from a caste-stricken, female child-killing, honour killing, slave labouring, intolerant barbaric India. It has nothing to do with religion.
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PostSubject: @Gamukh   How to describe India Icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 10:59 pm

Quote :
Kashmiris want independence from a caste-stricken, female child-killing, honour killing, slave labouring, intolerant barbaric India.

Please refer my other posts and do your homework dude. And I must say it really is funny when you guys talk about such things! Like people living in glass houses throwing stones at others! LOL

I understand, you would rather Talibanized Kashmir where much more ruthless but religious atrocities are prevalent. Like I said, go ahead! I see Zero contribution from Kashmiris to their country and if not for the fact that it wud mean pleasing fanatics by letting go our soil, I wouldnt care a damn if Kashmir goes to Pakistan or goes to Hell! Who needs a showpiece land with only outer beauty, but none within!

Quote :
I made reference to how the Mughals tried to tame you barbarians but made no reference to their religion. It is your ingrained intolerance to change that made you perceive my post refer to Islam.

Ha! It is funny to see fanatics eat their own words! I agree I am intolerant but only against Intolerant fanatics and I would LOVE it if my country is ruthlessly intolerant against you guys, which it is not else we would have deported those pakis like Hurriyat to Pakistan long time ago. We need to take a cue from China on how to deal with miscreants..
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PostSubject: @Gamukh   How to describe India Icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 11:16 pm

Quote :
It has nothing to do with religion.

How much ever you may cry yourself hoarse, it is a fact that For a Muslim,It has EVERYTHING to do with religion. Wherever you are a minority, you want secularism. And any place or valley where you are a majority, you want a separate Islamic nation.

And btw, I dont think my comments of women whipping n others are off-topic. They are as much in as your comments on infanticides comments etc. Like I said, Everything you do has got to do with Religion.
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PostSubject: Re: How to describe India   How to describe India Icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2009 11:37 pm

We want nothing to do you with you fanatic barbarians. After Israel, it is your turn to be brought to task by the world for your unspeakable tyranny in Kashmir. So be prepared for that. What we do with our country after your troops vacate is none of your concern.

You do not need to take a cue from China because you already surpassed them in your inhumanity, incivility, blood thirstiness, and tyranny in Kashmir.

In Xinjiang and Tibet combined, by the worst counts, the total killed by China do not exceed a few thousand.

In contrast, your country has butchered 80,000 Kashmiris--by official counts, and not less than 250,000 by unofficial numbers. This doesnt include the hundreds of thousands tortured, maimed, kidnapped and still missing. Many are still languishing in jails without a trial. Your disgusting country has already surpassed China, and the world is already waking up to the fact.

Not to mention, China has never been accused of using systematic rape against Uighur or Tibetan people, and yet your pathetic Army has been condemned by several human rights organizations for that in Kashmir. Chinaar provided several links above so go through those to uncloud your fanatic brain.
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PostSubject: @Gamukh   How to describe India Icon_minitimeSat Aug 01, 2009 12:02 am

Your post says that you donot know the happenings in Kashmir, let alone China.

Do you even know how the population in COK has been made a minority? Yes, Kashmir makes noises more bcoz our stupid Kashmiri PM, Nehru took it to the UN and made it an international issue, while China has stifled it ruthlessly.I admire the way China stopped the Friday prayers, we all know what goes inside that causes people to pelt stone after the prayers. Yeah, really "peaceful" religion. lol

You guys love to post links: here is one on China's Kashmir:

And if you talking about Human rights abuses and say that China is better, seriously which well are you living.How I would love to see your stonepelters n Hurriyat rioting in China for COK. So much for hypocrital concerns about Kashmir, you dont even care that a part of it was nicely giftwrapped to China by your oh-so-friendly neighbor Pakis.You guys are really lost. No sense of Past, nor present and clearly no sense of the Future.
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PostSubject: China Link   How to describe India Icon_minitimeSat Aug 01, 2009 12:04 am

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PostSubject: Ok the link is here   How to describe India Icon_minitimeSat Aug 01, 2009 12:05 am

Alright, There seems to be some problem in attaching the link.

Here it is:
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PostSubject: Aww man!   How to describe India Icon_minitimeSat Aug 01, 2009 12:06 am

OK, just google : How china handles its Kashmir.
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PostSubject: Re: How to describe India   How to describe India Icon_minitimeSat Aug 01, 2009 1:09 am

@bharat mata

Go and educate yourself on geography first.

Aksai Chin is a desolate unpopulated place. No humans can live in those rough terrains.

Indian ignorance is pathetic.
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